in 2008 they released Wario Land(Wii), Kirby SuperStar (DS), Advance Wars (DS), Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii), Mario Kart (Wii), Animal Crossing (Wii), Disaster (Wii in UK, Japan), Fatal Frame (Wii in Japan), and also released an new handheld in the DSi, and made a new periperal in Wii Speak.They have in 2009 coming Dynamic Slash (Wii, most mature Nintendo made game i've seen), Sin and Punishment 2 (Wii), Punch Out (Wii), Mario and Luigi 3 (DS), Fire Emblem (DS), Pikmin 3 (Wii, and well presumable 2009), hundreds of VC and WiiWare games to take care of, two new pokemon games, plus they're adding features like traditional side scrolling controls, new levels, harder difficulties to GCN ports like DK: Jungle Beat, Metroid Prime, and Pikmin (Yes that means this GCN port of a DK game will have traditional controls, new levels, and will be a platformer, no bongos, no gimmicks, this is the closest you might come to a DK platformer)So on the Nintendo side of things, I really think they're working hard. I mean 2 handhelds, the Wii, Wii motion plus, etc.and two games, Wii Music, and Wii Fit (which both scored decently here) outweigh Fire Emblem, SMG, Brawl, LOZ:TP, Paper Mario, etc.????i want to know why you guys hate casuals so much, why you feel they don't deserve to be gamers, and why you want to push them away coz the general attitude on this board is very negative towards non-gamers, girl gamers.Any feedback is cool, and i'm sorry its a loooonnnngggg read.Growing sexism and elitism in the gaming ...
Hardcores exist contrary to what the Sheep say, they deny it and act like Nintendo is giving them their gaming fill Growing sexism and elitism in the gaming ...
[QUOTE=''darth-pyschosis'']ok, you guys don't like casual gamers. you think they make bad, mediocre, rushed products sell well, thus somehow flooding you with more junk right?a casual thing, is something that can appeal to a universally broad audience. people like carnival games, alot of people do. but do you know what people love even more than carnival games?War movies, Foxnews danger alerts, the History Channel, etc. They like shooters too, they like fighting those nasty terrorists, or sticking it to some nazis coz a fictional world of aliens, terrorists, or nazis detachs one's self from the present world. you get the bad guy at the end of the Stallone movie. You're the hero who overcame unimaginable odds. You're the guy lieing camo'ed out in the grass waiting to ambush the enemy.Games like Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, Gears of War, Halo, etc. while they have depth, they are casual. they just do something more socially acceptable in cliche gaming circles. they're shooters. they have nice features, but it doesn't mean games like carnival games don't have nice features like fun local multiplayer for those people who like to play those games.and the truth is, hardcores don't matter to any game company, the truly hardcore gamers are the quality seeking people who can say they're one of the few people who bought a failed new IP, one that sold terribly and may never see a sequel like Zack %26 Wiki, Okami, Beyond Good %26 Evil (got a sequel yes!)etc....but if you're buying the every year installments of COD, MOH, Tony Hawk, you're betting on a valid idea, you're money is going towards something proven, so you don't try those new IPs like Little Big Planet coz it looks kiddythe thing is everything is casualized, coz everything needs to sell, so everything needs a spinwhy is it when people market towards women, and non-gamers that they're evil for doing so? this isn't just about Nintendo, but make it about them if you must.MS and Sony are going after a huge casual base with titles like Lips, Buzz, Buzz Jr, whatever that Buzz is with the monkeys, Buzz TV shows, Scene It, Fuzion Frenzy, Viva Pinata Party Animals, Singstar, all those EyeToy games.and don't under estimate the casual attracting power of Socom, Gears of War, Halo, and Call of Duty.2nd Amendment loving Americans eat this stuff up I know I live in one of the Reddest states out there in Texas.This isn't bad, its an easy idea to get someone into, shoot bad guys, show'em what they got coming, save humanity!but why is it so bad when a title is marketed towards a woman, or little girls, people have to have baby doctor games, because its gets them into gaming. If they like petz, they may try mario bros, then maybe pokemon, then when they're older they might say ''hey i liked those old pokemon RPGs, where can i get something slightly different though?'' and maybe they'll try Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, etc.Why do you even feel the need to turn your heads to say, Nintendo marketing towards casuals with two titles this year, when Sony and MS have been doing the same. The difference is casuals are buying Nintendo and the others not so much.I mean why can't these non-gamers have games they can celebrate too? if you act the way alot of you do, you push them away from gaming by being overly aggressive, insulting, and casting a negative image for gaming in general.Go ahead and say this thread is about Nintendo, but answer this: What do I really dislike about casual game marketing right now from all companies, and is it really any different than anything i've seen in gaming before?BTW, speaking of Nintendo, do you guys realize they have 2 platforms that are succsessful to support?
in 2008 they released Wario Land(Wii), Kirby SuperStar (DS), Advance Wars (DS), Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii), Mario Kart (Wii), Animal Crossing (Wii), Disaster (Wii in UK, Japan), Fatal Frame (Wii in Japan), and also released an new handheld in the DSi, and made a new periperal in Wii Speak.They have in 2009 coming Dynamic Slash (Wii, most mature Nintendo made game i've seen), Sin and Punishment 2 (Wii), Punch Out (Wii), Mario and Luigi 3 (DS), Fire Emblem (DS), Pikmin 3 (Wii, and well presumable 2009), hundreds of VC and WiiWare games to take care of, two new pokemon games, plus they're adding features like traditional side scrolling controls, new levels, harder difficulties to GCN ports like DK: Jungle Beat, Metroid Prime, and Pikmin (Yes that means this GCN port of a DK game will have traditional controls, new levels, and will be a platformer, no bongos, no gimmicks, this is the closest you might come to a DK platformer)So on the Nintendo side of things, I really think they're working hard. I mean 2 handhelds, the Wii, Wii motion plus, etc.and two games, Wii Music, and Wii Fit (which both scored decently here) outweigh Fire Emblem, SMG, Brawl, LOZ:TP, Paper Mario, etc.????i want to know why you guys hate casuals so much, why you feel they don't deserve to be gamers, and why you want to push them away coz the general attitude on this board is very negative towards non-gamers, girl gamers.Any feedback is cool, and i'm sorry its a loooonnnngggg read.[/QUOTE]I stopped reading there.Casual+Socom=Banhammer
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
[QUOTE=''darth-pyschosis'']Games like Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, Gears of War, Halo, etc. while they have depth, they are casual. they just do something more socially acceptable in cliche gaming circles. they're shooters. they have nice features, but it doesn't mean games like carnival games don't have nice features like fun local multiplayer for those people who like to play those games.[/QUOTE]Thanks for wording it so perfectly... I've never been able to phrase it that well. It's true, too. And yes hardcore gamers are elitist, just as hardcore baseball fans are elitest, hardcore musicians are elitist and every other hardcore group is elitist... It doesn't matter because no one else cares.
[QUOTE=''darth-pyschosis'']ok, you guys don't like casual gamers. you think they make bad, mediocre, rushed products sell well, thus somehow flooding you with more junk right?a casual thing, is something that can appeal to a universally broad audience. people like carnival games, alot of people do. but do you know what people love even more than carnival games?War movies, Foxnews danger alerts, the History Channel, etc. They like shooters too, they like fighting those nasty terrorists, or sticking it to some nazis coz a fictional world of aliens, terrorists, or nazis detachs one's self from the present world. you get the bad guy at the end of the Stallone movie. You're the hero who overcame unimaginable odds. You're the guy lieing camo'ed out in the grass waiting to ambush the enemy.Games like Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, Gears of War, Halo, etc. while they have depth, they are casual. they just do something more socially acceptable in cliche gaming circles. they're shooters. they have nice features, but it doesn't mean games like carnival games don't have nice features like fun local multiplayer for those people who like to play those games.and the truth is, hardcores don't matter to any game company, the truly hardcore gamers are the quality seeking people who can say they're one of the few people who bought a failed new IP, one that sold terribly and may never see a sequel like Zack %26 Wiki, Okami, Beyond Good %26 Evil (got a sequel yes!)etc....but if you're buying the every year installments of COD, MOH, Tony Hawk, you're betting on a valid idea, you're money is going towards something proven, so you don't try those new IPs like Little Big Planet coz it looks kiddythe thing is everything is casualized, coz everything needs to sell, so everything needs a spinwhy is it when people market towards women, and non-gamers that they're evil for doing so? this isn't just about Nintendo, but make it about them if you must.MS and Sony are going after a huge casual base with titles like Lips, Buzz, Buzz Jr, whatever that Buzz is with the monkeys, Buzz TV shows, Scene It, Fuzion Frenzy, Viva Pinata Party Animals, Singstar, all those EyeToy games.and don't under estimate the casual attracting power of Socom, Gears of War, Halo, and Call of Duty.2nd Amendment loving Americans eat this stuff up I know I live in one of the Reddest states out there in Texas.This isn't bad, its an easy idea to get someone into, shoot bad guys, show'em what they got coming, save humanity!but why is it so bad when a title is marketed towards a woman, or little girls, people have to have baby doctor games, because its gets them into gaming. If they like petz, they may try mario bros, then maybe pokemon, then when they're older they might say ''hey i liked those old pokemon RPGs, where can i get something slightly different though?'' and maybe they'll try Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, etc.Why do you even feel the need to turn your heads to say, Nintendo marketing towards casuals with two titles this year, when Sony and MS have been doing the same. The difference is casuals are buying Nintendo and the others not so much.I mean why can't these non-gamers have games they can celebrate too? if you act the way alot of you do, you push them away from gaming by being overly aggressive, insulting, and casting a negative image for gaming in general.Go ahead and say this thread is about Nintendo, but answer this: What do I really dislike about casual game marketing right now from all companies, and is it really any different than anything i've seen in gaming before?BTW, speaking of Nintendo, do you guys realize they have 2 platforms that are succsessful to support?
in 2008 they released Wario Land(Wii), Kirby SuperStar (DS), Advance Wars (DS), Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii), Mario Kart (Wii), Animal Crossing (Wii), Disaster (Wii in UK, Japan), Fatal Frame (Wii in Japan), and also released an new handheld in the DSi, and made a new periperal in Wii Speak.They have in 2009 coming Dynamic Slash (Wii, most mature Nintendo made game i've seen), Sin and Punishment 2 (Wii), Punch Out (Wii), Mario and Luigi 3 (DS), Fire Emblem (DS), Pikmin 3 (Wii, and well presumable 2009), hundreds of VC and WiiWare games to take care of, two new pokemon games, plus they're adding features like traditional side scrolling controls, new levels, harder difficulties to GCN ports like DK: Jungle Beat, Metroid Prime, and Pikmin (Yes that means this GCN port of a DK game will have traditional controls, new levels, and will be a platformer, no bongos, no gimmicks, this is the closest you might come to a DK platformer)So on the Nintendo side of things, I really think they're working hard. I mean 2 handhelds, the Wii, Wii motion plus, etc.and two games, Wii Music, and Wii Fit (which both scored decently here) outweigh Fire Emblem, SMG, Brawl, LOZ:TP, Paper Mario, etc.????i want to know why you guys hate casuals so much, why you feel they don't deserve to be gamers, and why you want to push them away coz the general attitude on this board is very negative towards non-gamers, girl gamers.Any feedback is cool, and i'm sorry its a loooonnnngggg read.[/QUOTE]Making this long write a bit easier to read.Red = his pointsBlue = his questions, addressing the reader (you)
[QUOTE=''insanejedi''][QUOTE=''darth-pyschosis''] ok, you guys don't like casual gamers. you think they make bad, mediocre, rushed products sell well, thus somehow flooding you with more junk right?a casual thing, is something that can appeal to a universally broad audience. people like carnival games, alot of people do. but do you know what people love even more than carnival games?War movies, Foxnews danger alerts, the History Channel, etc. They like shooters too, they like fighting those nasty terrorists, or sticking it to some nazis coz a fictional world of aliens, terrorists, or nazis detachs one's self from the present world. you get the bad guy at the end of the Stallone movie. You're the hero who overcame unimaginable odds. You're the guy lieing camo'ed out in the grass waiting to ambush the enemy.Games like Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, Gears of War, Halo, etc. while they have depth, they are casual. they just do something more socially acceptable in cliche gaming circles. they're shooters. they have nice features, but it doesn't mean games like carnival games don't have nice features like fun local multiplayer for those people who like to play those games.and the truth is, hardcores don't matter to any game company, the truly hardcore gamers are the quality seeking people who can say they're one of the few people who bought a failed new IP, one that sold terribly and may never see a sequel like Zack %26 Wiki, Okami, Beyond Good %26 Evil (got a sequel yes!)etc....but if you're buying the every year installments of COD, MOH, Tony Hawk, you're betting on a valid idea, you're money is going towards something proven, so you don't try those new IPs like Little Big Planet coz it looks kiddythe thing is everything is casualized, coz everything needs to sell, so everything needs a spinwhy is it when people market towards women, and non-gamers that they're evil for doing so? this isn't just about Nintendo, but make it about them if you must.MS and Sony are going after a huge casual base with titles like Lips, Buzz, Buzz Jr, whatever that Buzz is with the monkeys, Buzz TV shows, Scene It, Fuzion Frenzy, Viva Pinata Party Animals, Singstar, all those EyeToy games.and don't under estimate the casual attracting power of Socom, Gears of War, Halo, and Call of Duty.2nd Amendment loving Americans eat this stuff up I know I live in one of the Reddest states out there in Texas.This isn't bad, its an easy idea to get someone into, shoot bad guys, show'em what they got coming, save humanity!but why is it so bad when a title is marketed towards a woman, or little girls, people have to have baby doctor games, because its gets them into gaming. If they like petz, they may try mario bros, then maybe pokemon, then when they're older they might say ''hey i liked those old pokemon RPGs, where can i get something slightly different though?'' and maybe they'll try Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, etc.Why do you even feel the need to turn your heads to say, Nintendo marketing towards casuals with two titles this year, when Sony and MS have been doing the same. The difference is casuals are buying Nintendo and the others not so much.I mean why can't these non-gamers have games they can celebrate too? if you act the way alot of you do, you push them away from gaming by being overly aggressive, insulting, and casting a negative image for gaming in general.Go ahead and say this thread is about Nintendo, but answer this: What do I really dislike about casual game marketing right now from all companies, and is it really any different than anything i've seen in gaming before?BTW, speaking of Nintendo, do you guys realize they have 2 platforms that are succsessful to support?
in 2008 they released Wario Land(Wii), Kirby SuperStar (DS), Advance Wars (DS), Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii), Mario Kart (Wii), Animal Crossing (Wii), Disaster (Wii in UK, Japan), Fatal Frame (Wii in Japan), and also released an new handheld in the DSi, and made a new periperal in Wii Speak.They have in 2009 coming Dynamic Slash (Wii, most mature Nintendo made game i've seen), Sin and Punishment 2 (Wii), Punch Out (Wii), Mario and Luigi 3 (DS), Fire Emblem (DS), Pikmin 3 (Wii, and well presumable 2009), hundreds of VC and WiiWare games to take care of, two new pokemon games, plus they're adding features like traditional side scrolling controls, new levels, harder difficulties to GCN ports like DK: Jungle Beat, Metroid Prime, and Pikmin (Yes that means this GCN port of a DK game will have traditional controls, new levels, and will be a platformer, no bongos, no gimmicks, this is the closest you might come to a DK platformer)So on the Nintendo side of things, I really think they're working hard. I mean 2 handhelds, the Wii, Wii motion plus, etc.and two games, Wii Music, and Wii Fit (which both scored decently here) outweigh Fire Emblem, SMG, Brawl, LOZ:TP, Paper Mario, etc.????i want to know why you guys hate casuals so much, why you feel they don't deserve to be gamers, and why you want to push them away coz the general attitude on this board is very negative towards non-gamers, girl gamers.Any feedback is cool, and i'm sorry its a loooonnnngggg read.[/QUOTE]I stopped reading there.Casual+Socom=Banhammer [/QUOTE]i'm sorry to offend you but turn on any American news network with images of the two wars we're fighting, then see all the military commercials, all the military movies, and tell me a video game about the U.S. Navy Seals isn't appealing to people who watch movies, and TV but don't play many games...that doesn't mean Socom doesn't have depth, its a casually marketing game that is easy to pick up, hard to master, esspecially if you play difficult is it to get someone to want to follow a plot of showing terrorists who's who? and then telling them where to go at all times, who to eliminate, and to help your team? Socom games are easy to pick up, hard to master as i said. I referring to the SP, but then again maybe we've all forgot about Single Player Socomi don't think its an insult to call a game casual, infact it probably means you can get the glorious message of video games being fun out to more people
You're on a board that's dominated by people who play a lot of games in their free time, most of them male. It really shouldn't surprising that in general the crowd here is biased towards games designed for male gamers who play lots of games. Nothing rally sinister about it, I don't think.
thanks sonata. but i'm afraid the length of my post will alienate most from is long, but i had so much to say.
Very well put sir. I basically read this forum for fun and this is generally the image the ''Hardcore Gamers'' have given themselves:
[QUOTE=''darth-pyschosis''][QUOTE=''insanejedi''][QUOTE=''darth-pyschosis''] ok, you guys don't like casual gamers. you think they make bad, mediocre, rushed products sell well, thus somehow flooding you with more junk right?a casual thing, is something that can appeal to a universally broad audience. people like carnival games, alot of people do. but do you know what people love even more than carnival games?War movies, Foxnews danger alerts, the History Channel, etc. They like shooters too, they like fighting those nasty terrorists, or sticking it to some nazis coz a fictional world of aliens, terrorists, or nazis detachs one's self from the present world. you get the bad guy at the end of the Stallone movie. You're the hero who overcame unimaginable odds. You're the guy lieing camo'ed out in the grass waiting to ambush the enemy.Games like Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, Gears of War, Halo, etc. while they have depth, they are casual. they just do something more socially acceptable in cliche gaming circles. they're shooters. they have nice features, but it doesn't mean games like carnival games don't have nice features like fun local multiplayer for those people who like to play those games.and the truth is, hardcores don't matter to any game company, the truly hardcore gamers are the quality seeking people who can say they're one of the few people who bought a failed new IP, one that sold terribly and may never see a sequel like Zack %26 Wiki, Okami, Beyond Good %26 Evil (got a sequel yes!)etc....but if you're buying the every year installments of COD, MOH, Tony Hawk, you're betting on a valid idea, you're money is going towards something proven, so you don't try those new IPs like Little Big Planet coz it looks kiddythe thing is everything is casualized, coz everything needs to sell, so everything needs a spinwhy is it when people market towards women, and non-gamers that they're evil for doing so? this isn't just about Nintendo, but make it about them if you must.MS and Sony are going after a huge casual base with titles like Lips, Buzz, Buzz Jr, whatever that Buzz is with the monkeys, Buzz TV shows, Scene It, Fuzion Frenzy, Viva Pinata Party Animals, Singstar, all those EyeToy games.and don't under estimate the casual attracting power of Socom, Gears of War, Halo, and Call of Duty.2nd Amendment loving Americans eat this stuff up I know I live in one of the Reddest states out there in Texas.This isn't bad, its an easy idea to get someone into, shoot bad guys, show'em what they got coming, save humanity!but why is it so bad when a title is marketed towards a woman, or little girls, people have to have baby doctor games, because its gets them into gaming. If they like petz, they may try mario bros, then maybe pokemon, then when they're older they might say ''hey i liked those old pokemon RPGs, where can i get something slightly different though?'' and maybe they'll try Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, etc.Why do you even feel the need to turn your heads to say, Nintendo marketing towards casuals with two titles this year, when Sony and MS have been doing the same. The difference is casuals are buying Nintendo and the others not so much.I mean why can't these non-gamers have games they can celebrate too? if you act the way alot of you do, you push them away from gaming by being overly aggressive, insulting, and casting a negative image for gaming in general.Go ahead and say this thread is about Nintendo, but answer this: What do I really dislike about casual game marketing right now from all companies, and is it really any different than anything i've seen in gaming before?BTW, speaking of Nintendo, do you guys realize they have 2 platforms that are succsessful to support?
in 2008 they released Wario Land(Wii), Kirby SuperStar (DS), Advance Wars (DS), Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii), Mario Kart (Wii), Animal Crossing (Wii), Disaster (Wii in UK, Japan), Fatal Frame (Wii in Japan), and also released an new handheld in the DSi, and made a new periperal in Wii Speak.They have in 2009 coming Dynamic Slash (Wii, most mature Nintendo made game i've seen), Sin and Punishment 2 (Wii), Punch Out (Wii), Mario and Luigi 3 (DS), Fire Emblem (DS), Pikmin 3 (Wii, and well presumable 2009), hundreds of VC and WiiWare games to take care of, two new pokemon games, plus they're adding features like traditional side scrolling controls, new levels, harder difficulties to GCN ports like DK: Jungle Beat, Metroid Prime, and Pikmin (Yes that means this GCN port of a DK game will have traditional controls, new levels, and will be a platformer, no bongos, no gimmicks, this is the closest you might come to a DK platformer)So on the Nintendo side of things, I really think they're working hard. I mean 2 handhelds, the Wii, Wii motion plus, etc.and two games, Wii Music, and Wii Fit (which both scored decently here) outweigh Fire Emblem, SMG, Brawl, LOZ:TP, Paper Mario, etc.????i want to know why you guys hate casuals so much, why you feel they don't deserve to be gamers, and why you want to push them away coz the general attitude on this board is very negative towards non-gamers, girl gamers.Any feedback is cool, and i'm sorry its a loooonnnngggg read.[/QUOTE]I stopped reading there.Casual+Socom=Banhammer [/QUOTE]i'm sorry to offend you but turn on any American news network with images of the two wars we're fighting, then see all the military commercials, all the military movies, and tell me a video game about the U.S. Navy Seals isn't appealing to people who watch movies, and TV but don't play many games...that doesn't mean Socom doesn't have depth, its a casually marketing game that is easy to pick up, hard to master, esspecially if you play difficult is it to get someone to want to follow a plot of showing terrorists who's who? and then telling them where to go at all times, who to eliminate, and to help your team? Socom games are easy to pick up, hard to master as i said. I referring to the SP, but then again maybe we've all forgot about Single Player Socomi don't think its an insult to call a game casual, infact it probably means you can get the glorious message of video games being fun out to more people[/QUOTE]Who plays SOCOM for the single player? A game which people ban you for not having an optional headset is probebly not the most accessable and certainly not the most casual around. I dunno if you know this, but the people playing SOCOM, are really into SOCOM.
there is no misconception about hardcore/casual gaming genre. When someone who usually plays Wii Play sees a game like Gears of War, he might not get the game because of the investment of time and energy into the gameplay, plot, story etc.When it comes down to it, hardcore games are defined by the amount of investment it takes to pick up the game. A casual game is something you can just pick up and put down at your discretion. I still dont get what you're really trying to say. Hardcore games have casual themes in them..why should that make hardcore gamers feel less distant from the casual genre. I mean isnt hardcore vs casual just examples of the timeless competition between apples and oranges? Sony vs MS, football vs rugby, if we take those things for granted why should we care about this?
[QUOTE=''Teufelhuhn''] You're on a board that's dominated by people who play a lot of games in their free time, most of them male. It really shouldn't surprising that in general the crowd here is biased towards games designed for male gamers who play lots of games. Nothing rally sinister about it, I don't think. [/QUOTE]i believe sites like GameSpot, IGN, mags like GamePro, Game Informer, look down upon these ''non-gamers'' without discretion.and treat these casual games, and casual gamers like 2nd class thing. we should welcome them. a person who plays who gives there kid the child friendly RTS Defendin' De Penguin (which isn't half bad mind you) might make the kid like the hectic pace of a simple RTS game, thus when he's older (or she's older) they might try Age of Empiresbelieve me guys my fiance really likes Animal Crossing, and Nintendogs, and Brain Age but see is always down for some Ace Attorney, Silent Hill, or Age of Empires. Infact we're both bying Age of Empires: Mythologies next weekgirl gamers are pretty cool, esspecially when you're dating one, but thats beside my pointif no one ever welcomes these non gamers in, we'll never have new ideas, we'll never have new faces, coz developers fighting for the core gamers will realize core gamers can only buy so much, and that only a small few of people buying games today even openly admit gaming is a proud pastime of theres to go along side socially acceptable hobbies like sports, etc.
[QUOTE=''IshmaelSonata'']there is no misconception about hardcore/casual gaming genre. When someone who usually plays Wii Play sees a game like Gears of War, he might not get the game because of the investment of time and energy into the gameplay, plot, story etc.When it comes down to it, hardcore games are defined by the amount of investment it takes to pick up the game. A casual game is something you can just pick up and put down at your discretion. I still dont get what you're really trying to say. Hardcore games have casual themes in them..why should that make hardcore gamers feel less distant from the casual genre. [/QUOTE]
TC, I competely agree. I could not agree more with all of your points. I have always thought that Halo and Gears were like the Holywood blockbusters, and it really makes sense when you look at it this way.
Fox News Danger Alerts? Rerally? Most people think of Fox News as the laughing stock of the news world aside from the severe right wingers.
[QUOTE=''darth-pyschosis'']i believe sites like GameSpot, IGN, mags like GamePro, Game Informer, look down upon these ''non-gamers'' without discretion.and treat these casual games, and casual gamers like 2nd class thing. we should welcome them. a person who plays who gives there kid the child friendly RTS Defendin' De Penguin (which isn't half bad mind you) might make the kid like the hectic pace of a simple RTS game, thus when he's older (or she's older) they might try Age of Empiresbelieve me guys my fiance really likes Animal Crossing, and Nintendogs, and Brain Age but see is always down for some Ace Attorney, Silent Hill, or Age of Empires. Infact we're both bying Age of Empires: Mythologies next weekgirl gamers are pretty cool, esspecially when you're dating one, but thats beside my pointif no one ever welcomes these non gamers in, we'll never have new ideas, we'll never have new faces, coz developers fighting for the core gamers will realize core gamers can only buy so much, and that only a small few of people buying games today even openly admit gaming is a proud pastime of theres to go along side socially acceptable hobbies like sports, etc.[/QUOTE]there you go, thats the bulk of the content right there. yes, i agree, but unfortunate Im not so sure that the demographics of console wars are that way in reality. MS and Sony are trying to coporate casual gamers into their core audience, but they are limited by the general trend this generation. Look at LBP sales, its one of the games branching out to casual gamers and it didnt do too hot. Viva Pinata/Kameo were all well received by shadowed by blockbusters like Gears 2. At least on the PS3 and 360, the potential payoff for developing a generic title that follows the popular trend is much more worth it than developing anything innovative. And its not there fault, its just that most casual audiences are on the Wii, and not enough on the 360 and PS3. Its not going to change this generation, but next generation theres alot of hope for hybrid games that pushes the casual and harcore limit line. MS and Sony will have to concede to Wii popularity this gen and market to casual gamers next gen. We will see a much broader spectrum of game next gen for sure!
I gotta agree with you. Birdmen and the Casual Fallacy made a lot of the same points.
[QUOTE=''darth-pyschosis'']i believe sites like GameSpot, IGN, mags like GamePro, Game Informer, look down upon these ''non-gamers'' without discretion.
So what? Most of the people who read the content and reviews on the site are ''gamers'', people who play games all the time and have zero interest in casual games. What's wrong with these sites catering to their audience? This isn't the mass-market media here, these are sites dedicated to video games.
[QUOTE=''darth-pyschosis'']and treat these casual games, and casual gamers like 2nd ****thing. we should welcome them. a person who plays who gives there kid the child friendly RTS Defendin' De Penguin (which isn't half bad mind you) might make the kid like the hectic pace of a simple RTS game, thus when he's older (or she's older) they might try Age of Empiresbelieve me guys my fiance really likes Animal Crossing, and Nintendogs, and Brain Age but see is always down for some Ace Attorney, Silent Hill, or Age of Empires. Infact we're both bying Age of Empires: Mythologies next weekgirl gamers are pretty cool, esspecially when you're dating one, but thats beside my pointif no one ever welcomes these non gamers in, we'll never have new ideas, we'll never have new faces, coz developers fighting for the core gamers will realize core gamers can only buy so much, and that only a small few of people buying games today even openly admit gaming is a proud pastime of theres to go along side socially acceptable hobbies like sports, etc.[/QUOTE]
This is a community tied together by a common interest in video games. For a lot of us it's the one thing we have in common, and the one thing we can all talk about. By definition, a casual gamer doesn't have much in common with people here. They don't play many games, they probably don't play online, they don't follow the industry...heck they don't even come here! Not that I think people whould be mocked or insulted because of how much they do or don't play games (in fact I'd moderate for it), but I don't think it's a bad thing that casual gamers wouldn't fit in very well here. At least, I don't think it would be any worse than if I went to a message board dedicated to [url=]knitting[/url] and didn't fit in there either. It's nothing personal, I just think we're a group of people with similar interests and as such gravitate towards those things.
[QUOTE=''organic_machine'']TC, I competely agree. I could not agree more with all of your points. I have always thought that Halo and Gears were like the Holywood blockbusters, and it really makes sense when you look at it this way. [/QUOTE]
How many Hollywood blockbusters offer a deep wealth of content and features that rewards both skill and time spent? How many Michael Bay movies have required you to use strategy and teamwork to get the most out of them?
I can understand how games like Halo are similar in that their story and themes have the same sort of broad and accessible appeal that a big summer blockbuster might, but past that I think the analogy breaks down pretty quickly.
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