lol wut?Two Years
[QUOTE=''Rigga911'']lol wut?[/QUOTE]It is the birthday of Wii's U.S. launch. How exciting. :
|[QUOTE=''Rigga911'']lol wut?[/QUOTE] The Wii is going through a phase right now , even the most diehard sheep are feeling it.
i have a feeling it'll get better
What a horrible Birthday party!!!!..Theres nothing to Play!!!! J/K!!Happy B-Day WII, its been fun and rough 2 years.
If I added the days I played the Wii, it would add up to just almost a year. Even so, keep up the good work Nintendo Wii. I'll celebrate by buying Wii Music and making music for you.
[QUOTE=''Heydanbud92'']i have a feeling it'll get better[/QUOTE] You guys feel bad for the best current gen selling console? Damn!:
|[QUOTE=''DeadMan1290''][QUOTE=''Heydanbud92'']i have a feeling it'll get better[/QUOTE] You guys feel bad for the best current gen selling console? Damn!:|[/QUOTE]Well it didn't have very many games this year, but I only got my Wii recently so thank god I still have RE4, SMG, DeBlob, and Super Paper Mario to play.
Happy birthday, Nintendo Wii! I'm glad someone else remembered. ;)
Just two years ago I was sleeping on a sidewalk to get one.
Happy B-day Wii!:D
The Wii is still a little baby taking baby steps.
Well it's in one of its Nintendo droughts phase. This is why I didn't bother with a Wii Nintendo always has droughts. With the way Wii is selling though it's just embarassing at this point especially considering what time of year it is. Nintendo should not be in drought season right now.
wow its been 2 years they were get 2 years well the last 6 months have kind of sucked but at least i have brawl witch will hold me over for a wile
[QUOTE=''supercubedude64'']Just two years ago I was sleeping on a sidewalk to get one.[/QUOTE] As was I. Zelda was worth it
[QUOTE=''Pinkyimp'']What a horrible Birthday party!!!!..Theres nothing to Play!!!! J/K!!Happy B-Day WII, its been fun and rough 2 years. [/QUOTE] yeah...the half-life party had like 10 kegs and a few strippers. i mean, one or two ended up dead in a pool of green stuff think the headcrabs did that, those guys are wild when they get drunk
[QUOTE=''shadow_hosi''][QUOTE=''Pinkyimp'']What a horrible Birthday party!!!!..Theres nothing to Play!!!! J/K!!Happy B-Day WII, its been fun and rough 2 years. [/QUOTE] yeah...the half-life party had like 10 kegs and a few strippers. i mean, one or two ended up dead in a pool of green stuff think the headcrabs did that, those guys are wild when they get drunk [/QUOTE]And it costed $1.
[QUOTE=''ReverseCycology''] If I added the days I played the Wii, it would add up to just almost a year. Even so, keep up the good work Nintendo Wii. I'll celebrate by buying Wii Music and making music for you. [/QUOTE] is that your avatar? funny, I have almost the same one:Panyway happy Birthday Wii.Now who is gonna make a 360 Bday thread..
[QUOTE=''killerfist''][QUOTE=''ReverseCycology''] If I added the days I played the Wii, it would add up to just almost a year. Even so, keep up the good work Nintendo Wii. I'll celebrate by buying Wii Music and making music for you. [/QUOTE] is that your avatar? funny, I have almost the same one:Panyway happy Birthday Wii.Now who is gonna make a 360 Bday thread..[/QUOTE] I can't even remember when that is.
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