Speaking to Forbes, Fils-Aime conceded that the Wii hosts a range of third-party titles which, with a few exceptions, largely do not exemplify quality software for the platform. The reason for this, he says, is that certain developers and publishers still don't 'get' the Wii's design philosophy.
''I will be able to say our licensees 'get it' when their very best content is on our platform,'' he says. ''And with very few exceptions today, that's not the case.''
Some observers note that a shortage of compelling third-party software has been a blight of a number of Nintendo TV consoles across the years, such as the GameCube and N64, with Nintendo's own output traditionally showcasing what those consoles can offer to a consumer.'' Source: http://www.edge-online.com/news/fils-aime-third-parties-don%E2%80%99t-%E2%80%9Cget-it%E2%80%9D Reggie says Third Parties Dont Get it
dev's do get it, but whats the point of putting games with violence, and other mature oriented themes on a system where only 80 year old grandpas, and soccermoms play.Reggie says Third Parties Dont Get it
Maybe 3rd parties don't want to take wii seriously.
He doesn't get it.
ya 3rd parties need to make moar games like mii sports.......
He's being delusional.
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3rd. party devs aren't putting the effort needed into the Wii. Effort is needed; not halfway crap.
[QUOTE=''Fizzman'']dev's do get it, but whats the point of putting games with violence, and other mature oriented themes on a system where only 80 year old grandpas, and soccermoms play.[/QUOTE] What's the point of putting colorful, artistic games like de Blob, Valkyria Chronicles, and Viva Pinata on a system where only latchkey teenagers with too much adrenaline and moronic frat boys want to kill things? See, I can play the system stereotype game too! I do feel dirty now typing something that narrow minded. I do wonder if Reggie along with the rest of Nintendo have considered, oh, I don't know, reaching out to a few third party developers about using the system? Perhaps helping them along with concepts? They have great first party games, and quite a few gems in the third party department, but it could be so much better.
When I see the man who created the master piece Super Mario Galaxy waste his efforts on Wii Music while also seeing that Disaster Day of Crisis may not come out in the U.S coupled with the fact that we don't know who Retro Studiios is doing, with the addition of not getting anything exciting for Christmas.I say Reggie is right in the same boat with the rest of the 3rd Parties.
[QUOTE=''Fizzman'']dev's do get it, but whats the point of putting games with violence, and other mature oriented themes on a system where only 80 year old grandpas, and soccermoms play.[/QUOTE] Because that's not true at all. Dev's think that, but the demographics are totally diffrent.
It's not that they don't get it, it's just that they
I heard something today which basically awnseres this question.I was t work today and 2 women were talking, one says ''I just got wii fit a few days ago for the wii, its really good and my husband likes it''And there we have it, middle aged women, thats what nintendos attracting, well they said they were creating a new market.Middle aged woman... violence... You just cant put those two things in the same sentence really can you? :
|I believe that 3rd party developers believe that Wii owners don't expect much out of their games, in other words very high Q games. This is why they put very little effort into their games. Every system has its level of acceptable games. There is also the fact that third party developers feel like their games will sell really bad when put against nintendo games. Heck, no more heroes only sold 250K and got a 9.0, Wairo ware which can be finished within one day sold 2.5Million. Even the game 50 cent sold 1.5M and it was just released within the USA.
Speaking to Forbes, Fils-Aime conceded that the Wii hosts a range of third-party titles which, with a few exceptions, largely do not exemplify quality software for the platform. The reason for this, he says, is that certain developers and publishers still don't 'get' the Wii's design philosophy.
''I will be able to say our licensees 'get it' when their very best content is on our platform,'' he says. ''And with very few exceptions today, that's not the case.''
Some observers note that a shortage of compelling third-party software has been a blight of a number of Nintendo TV consoles across the years, such as the GameCube and N64, with Nintendo's own output traditionally showcasing what those consoles can offer to a consumer.'' Source: http://www.edge-online.com/news/fils-aime-third-parties-don%E2%80%99t-%E2%80%9Cget-it%E2%80%9D [/QUOTE]That's exactly what I've been thinking for the past year.
[QUOTE=''Nirron''][QUOTE=''Fizzman'']dev's do get it, but whats the point of putting games with violence, and other mature oriented themes on a system where only 80 year old grandpas, and soccermoms play.[/QUOTE] What's the point of putting colorful, artistic games like de Blob, Valkyria Chronicles, and Viva Pinata on a system where only latchkey teenagers with too much adrenaline and moronic frat boys want to kill things? See, I can play the system stereotype game too! I do feel dirty now typing something that narrow minded. I do wonder if Reggie along with the rest of Nintendo have considered, oh, I don't know, reaching out to a few third party developers about using the system? Perhaps helping them along with concepts? They have great first party games, and quite a few gems in the third party department, but it could be so much better. [/QUOTE] They have. Before the Wii launched, Reggie was at Take Two HQ talking to them about the system and asking them to put GTA on the Wii. Nintendo has gone to GDC to talk to developers and even Miyamoto has gone to several devs to give them help on their games.What else are they supposed to do? 3rd party devs just aren't putting their best teams towards making games for the Wii.
[QUOTE=''NinjaMunkey01'']Middle aged woman... violence... You just cant put those two things in the same sentence really can you? :|[/QUOTE] ->Insert PMS or Menopause joke here
[QUOTE=''zaku101'']I believe that 3rd party developers believe that Wii owners don't expect much out of their games, in other words very high Q games. This is why they put very little effort into their games. Every system has its level of acceptable games. There is also the fact that third party developers feel like their games will sell really bad when put against nintendo games. Heck, no more heroes only sold 250K and got a 9.0, Wairo ware which can be finished within one day sold 2.5Million. Even the game 50 cent sold 1.5M and it was just released within the USA.[/QUOTE] No More Heroes sold 400k worldwide and was Suda 51's best selling game ever. Please stop talking out of your behind.
[QUOTE=''fugwit''][QUOTE=''NinjaMunkey01''] Middle aged woman... violence... You just cant put those two things in the same sentence really can you? :|[/QUOTE] [/QUOTE] ok... if you say so...
Lol. Nintendo don't get it because of the flopping 3rd party sales of 90% of 3rd party games that come on the wii.
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