Not really trolling just saying X360 should stick to games that made them them. HALO %26 Gears
and that they made a poor choice on lips and your at the movies.
Lips and youre in the movies FLOPs?
Nobody took them seriously, with that said, if MS can market these games properly, they can sell well and move consoles tooLips and youre in the movies FLOPs?
yea i dont think anybody cares about these games
Really, you have links to any hype threads?
Can you honestly say you took this seriously?
there's a reason casuals and families pick the wii over the 360it has much better software for them
No hype, no flop.
Thou shall not flop what has no hype.
Anyone who saw the E3 presentation for ''You're in the Movies'' could've seen that coming. It looked like ass then and I didn't expect it to improve from there. Lips, however, looked like it had some promise. I thought it would be getting 7s across the board.
How can a game flop when it didn't have any hype? I'm tired of everyone calling every game that gets reviewed a flop. It has to have some hype people. :evil:
MS wants in, to the casual market.Badly.
Whats funny most of us lemmings and cows were making fun of lips and your in the movies after they show them at E32008
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
the thing is, i was exited like crazy for lips :(Ill just wait till i get a ps3 and buy singstar
[QUOTE=''Faulttt'']the thing is, i was exited like crazy for lips :(Ill just wait till i get a ps3 and buy singstar [/QUOTE]They screwed it up, short developement time is the problemInis are fantastic, hopefully they tinker the formula nicely for the next release, look at Scene It?, the second game is vastly superior despite just a shakeup in the way it plays
People was actually talking about this game? Damn where have I been? wait a sec...where have you been? I could have sworn thiese games where never hyped to began with. So no Flop!
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