Jenga on the Wii...
Actually that sounds interesting.
Wii has PLENTY of hardcore titles
Sarcastic Wii thread. I love them :
|[QUOTE=''EuroMafia'']Sarcastic Wii thread. I love them :|[/QUOTE] How am I being sarcastic? These are some great games here, my friend.
You missed some ones ;)
I've seen you list these games 1000 times ironBass, how about some new games for a change?
i'd laugh but wii's library makes me kind of sad...except for galaxy and mp3 of course
[QUOTE=''IronBass'']You missed some ones ;)
[QUOTE=''LittleHands134''][QUOTE=''IronBass'']You missed some ones ;)
[QUOTE=''EuroMafia'']Sarcastic Wii thread. I love them :|[/QUOTE]me toolol,party babyz
[QUOTE=''EuroMafia''][QUOTE=''LittleHands134''][QUOTE=''IronBass'']You missed some ones ;) [/QUOTE]To be honest with you, that seems like a very small selection of games that can't even compare to the pure awesome of the games I listed. I'm excluding these two though. Let's be honest, they turned Paper Mario into more of a very strange 3D platformer than the RPG we all loved with the first Paper Marios, just to have an excuse to use waggle. Also, No More Heroes... Not even gonna touch that one. I'll just say one thing - Covering a game in a gratuitous amount of cheesy blood and a childish amount of ''Mommy told me not to say that'' curse words does not make a good game.[/QUOTE] Your opinion doesn't matter. Even more so that you have a terrible taste for games.[/QUOTE] You're not giving any reasons to refute my claims. I'm pretty sure that most people will admit that Wii's Paper Mario does not even compare to the previous versions. As for No More Heroes, there are three main appeals for that game. 1. Americans love things from Japan. Notice how poorly the game sold in that country.2. Kiddies love to hear curse words and watch ridiculous amounts of blood squirt across their screen. It makes them feel like rebels.3. The ''indie'' appeal. Any game that is made by Suda, or a small-time Japanese developer, will be considered unique and in the case of No More Heroes, even artsy to like. Poor quality repetitive gameplay is ignored or dispelled by calling the game ''satire'' of superior games. It's a lot like how goth kids will wear black clothing and black eye liner to look like they have unique tastes.
Chicken Shoot =AAAE
[QUOTE=''EuroMafia''] Sarcastic Wii thread. I love them :|[/QUOTE]Yeah considering xbox 360 probably has just as many casual shovelware games as the Wii, but it has more high profile games so you don't really focus on the shovelware too much.
Ninjabread Man looks like a good wii game
360/PS3 fanboys are some of the most immature members in system wars/gaming history.
[QUOTE=''Rigga911'']Ninjabread Man looks like a good wii game[/QUOTE]I hope your joking...
[QUOTE=''sherlock99'']360/PS3 fanboys are some of the most immature members in system wars/gaming history.[/QUOTE]Says the guy with a RROD on his sig.
[QUOTE=''RuinedMachine'']Jenga on the Wii...
Actually that sounds interesting.
[/QUOTE] 'Till you read the reveiw :P
TC, I hope this is a joke topic, you have The Naked Brothers Band Game on here, and they can't sing either.
Hey those aren't good games! You lie!
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